
Welcome to our recipe blog, where we explore the delightful world of Masoor Dal, a versatile legume that is both nutritious and delicious. In this article, we will delve into the history, types, nutritional value, and incredible health benefits of Masoor Dal. Join us as we uncover a delightful Masoor Dal recipe and share some handy tips and tricks to enhance your cooking experience.

Masoor Dal History & Origin:

Masoor Dal, also known as Red Lentils, has a rich history and is believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent. Lentils, in general, have been cultivated for thousands of years, and their consumption can be traced back to ancient civilizations.

Masoor Dal History & Origin

The cultivation of lentils, including Masoor Dal, can be dated as far back as 2400 BC in the Indus Valley civilization, making them one of the oldest cultivated pulses in the world. Lentils were highly valued for their nutritional value and ability to thrive in various climates.

Over time, lentils, including Masoor Dal, spread to other regions of the world through trade routes and exploration. They became an integral part of the diet in different cultures, including the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

Today, Masoor Dal is consumed and appreciated globally, featuring prominently in Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Middle Eastern cuisines.

The versatility, affordability, and nutritional benefits of Masoor Dal have contributed to its popularity throughout history. It continues to be a staple food in many households, providing a rich source of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients.

The enduring presence of Masoor Dal in culinary traditions is a testament to its significance and enduring appeal.

Masoor Dal in English:

In English, Masoor Dal is known as “Red Lentils.” These lentils are small, lens-shaped legumes with a rich reddish-orange color. They are split and hulled, allowing for quick cooking and easy digestion. Masoor Dal’s mild, nutty flavor and soft texture make it a versatile ingredient for various culinary creations.

Masoor Dal Types:

There are several types of Masoor Dal available, each with its unique characteristics. The most common types include:

Masoor Dal Types

  1. Whole Masoor Dal: These are unsplit lentils with the skin intact. They retain their shape when cooked and have a slightly nuttier flavor.
  2. Split Masoor Dal: Split Masoor Dal refers to the lentils that have been hulled and split in half. This type cooks faster and has a smoother texture.
  3. Orange Masoor Dal: Also known as Puy lentils or Spanish lentils, this variety has a darker hue and holds its shape well after cooking. It is often used in salads and side dishes.

Masoor Dal Recipe:

Now, let’s dive into a scrumptious Masoor Dal recipe that will tantalize your taste buds:

Masoor Dal Recipe


  • 1 cup Masoor Dal (Red Lentils)
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 green chilies, slit
  • 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (Use Lakadong Turmeric Powder)
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder (Use Mathania Red Chilli Powder)
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh Coriander Leaves for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter)


  1. Rinse the Masoor Dal thoroughly under cold water until the water runs clear.
  2. In a pressure cooker or a deep pot, heat the ghee over medium heat. Add cumin seeds and allow them to splutter.
  3. Add chopped onions and sauté until golden brown. Then, add ginger-garlic paste and green chilies. Cook for a minute.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and salt. Cook until the tomatoes soften and release their juices.
  5. Add the rinsed Masoor Dal to the pot and mix well with the tomato-onion mixture.
  6. Pour in water and close the pressure cooker lid. Cook for 4-5 whistles on medium heat or simmer for 25-30 minutes in a regular pot until the dal turns soft and creamy.
  7. Once the pressure is released, open the cooker and give the dal a gentle stir. If desired, add more water to adjust the consistency.
  8. Sprinkle garam masala and garnish with fresh cilantro leaves.
  9. Serve hot with steamed rice, naan, or roti.

Masoor Dal in Instant Pot:

To make Masoor Dal in an Instant Pot, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the Masoor Dal and set it aside.
  2. Turn on the Instant Pot and select the sauté mode. Heat the ghee and add cumin seeds.
  3. Sauté the onions, ginger-garlic paste, and green chilies until they turn golden brown.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and salt. Cook until the tomatoes soften.
  5. Add the rinsed Masoor Dal to the pot and mix well with the tomato-onion mixture.
  6. Pour in water and secure the Instant Pot lid. Cook on high pressure for 10 minutes, followed by a natural pressure release.
  7. Open the lid, give the dal a gentle stir, sprinkle garam masala, and garnish with fresh cilantro leaves.
  8. Serve hot with your favorite accompaniments.

Masoor Dal Nutrition:

Masoor Dal, or Red Lentils, is not only a flavorful ingredient but also a highly nutritious one. It is packed with essential nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet. Let’s take a closer look at the nutritional profile of Masoor Dal:

Masoor Dal Nutrition

  1. Protein: Masoor Dal is an excellent plant-based source of protein. A 100-gram serving of Masoor Dal contains approximately 24 grams of protein. Protein is essential for muscle building, tissue repair, and overall growth and development.
  2. Carbohydrates: Masoor Dal is a good source of complex carbohydrates. It provides sustained energy and helps regulate blood sugar levels. A 100-gram serving of Masoor Dal contains about 63 grams of carbohydrates.
  3. Fiber: Masoor Dal is rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system. It also helps regulate cholesterol levels and contributes to feelings of fullness and satiety. A 100-gram serving of Masoor Dal provides approximately 10 grams of dietary fiber.
  4. Iron: Masoor Dal is a notable source of iron, an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Consuming Masoor Dal can help prevent iron deficiency anemia. A 100-gram serving of Masoor Dal contains around 5 milligrams of iron.
  5. Folate: Masoor Dal is a good source of folate (vitamin B9), which is crucial for DNA synthesis, cell division, and the production of red and white blood cells. Folate is especially important for pregnant women, as it supports fetal development. A 100-gram serving of Masoor Dal provides approximately 120 micrograms of folate.
  6. Low in Fat: Masoor Dal is low in fat and contains no cholesterol. It is an excellent option for those looking to maintain a healthy weight and promote heart health.

In addition to these key nutrients, Masoor Dal also contains essential vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamin B6.

Incorporating Masoor Dal into your diet can provide a range of health benefits, including improved digestion, better heart health, increased energy levels, and support for muscle growth and repair. Its nutritional value makes it an ideal choice for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone seeking a nutritious and well-balanced meal option.

Masoor Dal Calories:

The calorie content of Masoor Dal, or Red Lentils, can vary slightly depending on factors such as the cooking method and any additional ingredients used. Here is a general breakdown of the approximate calorie content for one serving (about 1 cup or 200 grams) of cooked Masoor Dal:

  • Calories: Approximately 230-250 calories

Masoor Dal Calories

The calorie breakdown for Masoor Dal is as follows:

  • Protein: Approximately 16-18 grams (64-72 calories)
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 40-45 grams (160-180 calories)
  • Fat: Approximately 1-2 grams (9-18 calories)

Please note that these values are approximate and may vary based on the specific brand of Masoor Dal and the cooking method used. It’s important to consider any additional ingredients or fats used in the recipe, as they can contribute to the overall calorie content.

Masoor Dal Benefits:

Masoor Dal, or Red Lentils, offers a wide range of health benefits due to its nutrient-dense composition. Let’s explore some of the key benefits associated with consuming Masoor Dal:

Masoor Dal Benefits

  1. Rich Source of Protein: Masoor Dal is an excellent plant-based source of protein. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, supporting muscle growth, and maintaining a healthy immune system. Including Masoor Dal in your diet can help meet your protein requirements, particularly for vegetarians and vegans.
  2. High in Fiber: Masoor Dal is a great source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Fiber aids in digestion, promotes regular bowel movements, and helps maintain a healthy digestive system. It also contributes to a feeling of fullness, assisting in weight management.
  3. Heart-Healthy: Masoor Dal is low in fat and contains no cholesterol. Its high fiber content helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, promoting heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels: The complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber in Masoor Dal contribute to stable blood sugar levels. It slows down the absorption of sugars and prevents sudden spikes in blood glucose levels, making it an ideal food choice for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing it.
  5. Supports Weight Management: Masoor Dal is low in fat and calories, making it a nutritious food for weight management. The combination of protein and fiber helps you feel full and satisfied for longer, reducing the tendency to overeat.
  6. Provides Essential Nutrients: Masoor Dal is a good source of various essential nutrients, including iron, folate, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. These nutrients support optimal bodily functions, such as red blood cell production, nerve function, and maintaining healthy blood pressure.
  7. Boosts Energy: Masoor Dal provides a steady supply of energy due to its complex carbohydrates. It can help combat fatigue and provide sustained energy throughout the day.
  8. Supports Digestive Health: The fiber content in Masoor Dal promotes a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation, maintaining bowel regularity, and supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
  9. Aids in Pregnancy: Masoor Dal is rich in folate (vitamin B9), which is essential for fetal development during pregnancy. Adequate folate intake reduces the risk of neural tube defects and supports the growth and development of the baby.
  10. Versatile and Delicious: Masoor Dal is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of dishes, including soups, stews, curries, and salads. Its mild, nutty flavor blends well with different spices and ingredients, making it a delicious addition to your meals.

Incorporating Masoor Dal into your diet can provide these numerous health benefits, making it a valuable ingredient for a nutritious and well-balanced eating plan.

Masoor Dal Tips & Tricks:

Here are some handy tips and tricks to make the most out of your Masoor Dal cooking experience:

  1. Rinse and soak: Before cooking Masoor Dal, it’s a good practice to rinse it thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or impurities. You can also soak the dal for a couple of hours or overnight to reduce cooking time and enhance its digestibility.
  2. Add flavor with tempering: To enhance the flavor of your Masoor Dal, consider tempering it with spices. Heat ghee or oil in a pan, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, dried red chilies, and other spices of your choice. Allow them to sizzle and release their aroma before adding the dal.
  3. Experiment with spices: Masoor Dal pairs well with a variety of spices. Feel free to experiment with flavors like turmeric, cumin, coriander, garam masala, and ginger-garlic paste to add depth and complexity to your dal.
  4. Play with texture: Masoor Dal has a naturally soft and creamy texture when cooked. If you prefer a smoother consistency, you can use a hand blender or immersion blender to puree a portion of the cooked dal before serving. Alternatively, you can leave it partially mashed for a chunkier texture.
  5. Incorporate vegetables: To make your Masoor Dal more nutritious and flavorful, consider adding vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, or diced potatoes. This not only enhances the taste but also boosts the nutritional value of your dal.
  6. Adjust the consistency: The consistency of Masoor Dal can be adjusted according to personal preference. If you like a thicker dal, simmer it for a longer time to allow the lentils to break down further. If you prefer a thinner consistency, add a little water or vegetable broth to achieve your desired thickness.
  7. Garnish with freshness: Sprinkle freshly chopped cilantro (coriander) leaves on top of your cooked Masoor Dal to add a burst of freshness and vibrant flavor. You can also garnish with a squeeze of lemon juice or a dollop of yogurt for a tangy twist.
  8. Pair with complementary dishes: Masoor Dal goes well with various accompaniments. Serve it alongside steamed rice, roti (Indian bread), naan, or even quinoa for a wholesome and satisfying meal. You can also enjoy it as a soup or use it as a filling for wraps and sandwiches.
  9. Make-ahead and meal prep: Masoor Dal can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a few days. It also freezes well, so you can make a larger batch and portion it out for future meals. This makes it convenient for busy days when you need a quick and nutritious option.
  10. Enjoy leftovers creatively: Leftover Masoor Dal can be transformed into delicious dishes. Use it as a base for lentil patties or burgers, mix it with rice for a flavorful khichdi, or blend it into a creamy dip or spread.

Remember to adjust the seasonings, spices, and ingredients according to your taste preferences. These tips and tricks will help you make the most out of your Masoor Dal cooking experience, ensuring a flavorful and enjoyable meal every time.


Masoor Dal, also known as Red Lentils, is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that has been cherished for ages. From its historical significance to its numerous health benefits, Masoor Dal continues to be a beloved legume in various cuisines worldwide.

Try our delicious Masoor Dal recipe and explore the delightful possibilities of this humble pulse. Whether you cook it on the stovetop or in an Instant Pot, you’re in for it.